3 Tips Tell You How to Make Organic Fertilizer From Cow Dung Efficiently
Do you know that cow dung is a kind of good organic fertilizer with abundant nutrients that are needed for the growth of plants and crops? But, you can not use your fresh cattle manure as fertilizer without any process. Then, how to make organic fertilizer from cow dung efficiently? There are 3 tips for you!
Drying Your Fresh Cow Dung
If you have a close look at the fresh cattle manure, you will find it is moist, with a huge amount of water in it. Yes, fresh cattle manure has a lot of liquid that leads to the creation of anaerobic conditions in the process of composting. Sounds like it is not a big deal? You know, anaerobic composting, known as cold composting, takes at least a year to finish the process of composting and makes your compost pile smelly. Therefore, drying cow dung should be given priority when you make fertilizer from cow dung.
But, what should you do to dry it?As a leading fertilizer equipment manufacturer, we offer the cow dung fertilizer drying machine that aims to dewater fresh manure. After the procedure of separation, the water content of your cow dung will decline, from 80% to 50%. With an ideal level of water content, microorganisms reproduce and break down organic matter actively,generating heat to sanitize your compost completely.
Crushing Your Cattle Manure
When it comes to how to make cow dung fertilizer, the step of crushing is indispensable. You know, the oxygen in your cow dung compost has a role in the creation of aerobic conditions. Usually, it should be within the range between 5% and 15%, or will lead to the failure of aerobic composting of cow dung. Therefore, you need to grind caked cow manure into powder.
Here, we provide the cow dung crushing machine for you. It is designed for crushing animal manure with high water content. After the process of grinding, your cow dung is in the form of tiny particles, like soil. Alternatively, you can use the cow dung composting turning machine in the procedure of making cattle dung compost. Its rigid turning teeth will crush big pieces of cow dung, aerating your compost. Sufficient oxygen will maximize microbial activities, speeding up the process of composting.

Using Cow Dung Fertilizer Machine
How to make organic manure from cow dung for sale? You need a full organic fertilizer production line with automatic cow dung fertilizer machines! Though harmful materials are destroyed during hot composting, your cow dung is not much of a quality organic fertilizer due to its impurities. A further process is required to improve the quality of your cow dung fertilizer. Is it great to have a production line with the ability to process your compost automatically?
We provide several designs of cow dung fertilizer production lines with different types of organic fertilizer processing machines, from organic granulators to rotary screening machines. Of course, customization is available! It is one of our services to offer plant solutions to our clients. Just fill out the contact form below and tell us the specifics of your cow dung fertilizer making project!
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