What Is You Way to Make Biofertilizer?
Do you still make biofertilizer in the traditional way that stacks animal manure up and waits for over months until the process of composting finishes? Honestly, you need to change the method if you want to economically benefit from biofertilizer production. Then, which composting machine should you choose to speed up composting? Why not try our new fermenter for biofertilizer production?
Our organic fertilizer fermenter is designed for composting organic materials, including cow dung, chicken litter, and pig slurry. In comparison with other composting turning machines on the markets, our fermentation pot is highlighted by its outstanding features of high automation, easy operation, high efficiency, and small size. A majority of biofertilizer makers, especially those who are beginners, give their preference to our organic fertilizer fermentation vessel because of its foregoing advantages. But, why? How can our bio vessel benefit those novices?
4 Reasons Tell You Why Beginners Should Use Our Fermenter for Biofertilizer Production

Since the augment of the demand for biofertilizer products, investors and businessmen have seen it as a bait that lures them to venture into fertilizer production. However, it takes some skills in the production of good fertilizer products, particularly biofertilizer, because of the difficulty of composting. During the process of composting, you need to do lots of things to keep your compost piles in aerobic condition.
Thanks to the lack of knowledge or experience, novices commonly find that it is hard to create aerobic condition for their compost and the stench from their compost piles pollutes the air. Hence, beginners in biofertilizer production need a smart composting machine that is able to simplify the process of composting for them. If you are one of them, our organic fertilizer fermentation pot is definitely your best choice.
Ask for the reason? The following features of our fermentation pot are the best reasons why beginners should use our fermenter for biofertilizer production.
High Automation
Unlike normal composting turners in the markets, our fermentation tank literately realizes the process of automatic composting. With its help, beginners will not be afraid of failure to compost.
Foolproof Operation
Given its high automation, our biofertilizer fermentation pot is easy to operate. When you adopt groove type composting or windrow type composting, you need to operate the composting turners to turn your compost piles. However, you can press the buttons on the control box to ask our organic fertilizer fermentation vessel to share a majority of labor work in the process of composting, such as discharging materials.
We will send you an instruction manual and teach your workers how to use our fermentation pot via video calls. It is possible for one worker to control more than one bio vessel as long as he grasps the basic skills of using the control box.
Fast Composting
Generally, the process of composing takes at least a month when you use a traditional way to compost your animal manure. Such a long production time is tantamount to a waste of money and labor. However, our fertilizer fermentation pot can shorten the process of composting to haft a month, increasing the efficiency of bio fertilizer production for you. Therefore, the quicker production cycle allows a faster economic return for you and puts you at the advantage in the biofertilizer markets.
The Less Room for Composting
No matter which compost turning machine you choose, windrow composting machine or moving type composting machine, you need to rent a large factory and prepare an expansive room for your compost piles. However, it is wise for beginners to set up a small biofertilizer plant first because once they fail, the economic damage they suffer will be minimized. Given the shape of it, a vertical cylinder, our fertilizer fermentation pot takes up less room for composting.
How to Use Fermenter for Biofertilizer Production?
- Process Fresh Animal Manure
You need to collect animal manure on your farm. Usually, fresh animal manure contains a large amount of water, particularly pig slurry, cow dung, and horse manure., about 50%-60%. The high water content is an impediment to the increase of oxygen, causing the anaerobic process of composing. Therefore, it is necessary for you to reduce it to an ideal amount. There are 2 choices you can choose.
2. Feed Animal Manure
Controlled by an electric lifting device, the feeder will automatically carry your animal manure into the fermentation tank. Before that, you can mix your animal waste with some organic materials, such as straw, hay, and peat, to alter the C/N ratio of them and speed up composting. But, do not forget the most vital step!

3. Let the Tank Do Its Work
What Kind of Raw Materials Can be Composted in Fermenter for Biofertilizer Production?
In general, manure on animal farms is a kind of nutritious material for biofertilizer production. From chicken litter to goat waste, a wide range of animal manure is available to be composted. You can mix different types of animal waste together to produce good bio fertilizer with abundant nutrients. Also, straw, sawdust, and hay can be added to your compost to quicken microorganism degradation. However, there is one thing you should do before you put animal manure into our organic fermentation tank. Remember to dewater your animal waste first if it has a high water content.
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