The process of composting plays a decisive role in the production of cow manure fertilizer. However, the daily output of cow manure produced by a commercial cattle farm is tremendous, about tons of manure piles. Then, how to make organic compost from cow dung in large quantities? Is there a large-scale composting machine for cow dung? Of course! There are 2 hot types of cow dung compost machines with the ability to facilitate you in the process of composting cow manure on a large scale.
Top 2 Composting Machines for Cow Dung
· Chain Plate Type Compost Turner for Cow Dung ·
Our chain plate type compost turning machine is widely used in industrial composting plants because of its high efficiency. As the chain moves, cow dung will be carried upwards by the plate and fall back into the groove for composting. Even the raw material at the bottom can be turned and exposed to the air, fully aerating your compost pile.
· Wheel Type Composting Machine for Cattle Manure ·
Our wheel type composting machine turns cow dung compost with a huge wheel that moves from side to side. It has a transmission mechanism of high efficiency, allowing it to turn a large amount of compost with less energy consumption. In comparison with our chain plate type compost turner, our wheel type compost turning machine has a larger capacity. Hence, it more befits commercial cow farms with thousands of adult cows.
What is the Difference between These 2 Hot Types of Cow Dung Composting Machines?
The main difference lies in their working principles.
Our chain plate type compost turner turns the compost with the turning teeth on its plate. As it goes forwards, its turning teeth will move upwards, bringing cow dung compost from the bottom to the top. Turned compost will fall from the top of the plate and stack in the groove.
Our wheel type composting machine uses a wheel with turning teeth to turn your compost piles. The chain will drive the wheel to rotate, turning your cow dung compost. The turner has a high tuning depth and a wide turning span, reaching 3 m and 30 m, respectively, making it possible for you to easily turn tons of cow dung at a time
Why Should You Use Our Cow Manure Compost Machines?
Fast Composting
These hot cattle manure composting machines are in a group of groove type composting machines which require a groove for composting. The groove, usually built indoors, can minimize the influence of the outside environment, such as weather. Therefore, the high temperature of your compost will last longer, even in the winter. Then, you can get composted cow dung within 20 days.
Largest Capacity
Our 2 types of commercial groove type composting machines are able to turn large-scale compost. Generally, the groove can contain a large quantity of cow dung. If you want to expand the production scale, you can establish more fermentation grooves. A chain plate composting machine, with the help of a transfer vehicle, can shift easily among grooves, turning tons of cow manure compost.
How to Compost Cow Manure into Industrial Organic Fertilizer Quickly?
In addition to using our cattle manure composting systems to turn your compost regularly, there are some things you should do before the process of composting if you want to turn your cow dung into organic fertilizer faster.
How Long Does It Take to Make Compost Manure From Cow Dung?
In general, there are many factors that influence the speed of composting, including temperature, the amount of your cow dung, and sometimes the weather. Usually, it takes over 3-4 months to get composted cow manure, if you take the approach of traditional way – anaerobic fermentation. This method allows you to compost your cattle manure without machines, but the process of composting is time-consuming. A lone time on production means an increment in production costs for organic fertilizer makers. Hence, it is economically beneficial for them to use a compost turning machine to accelerate the process of composting cow manure.
Our cow dung compost machine can create an aerobic condition in which the high temperature of your cow dung compost will stimulate the decomposition of microorganisms and kill pathogens completely, speeding up the process of composting cattle manure. Therefore, it takes about 20 days to make compost with cow dung. Of course, there are other measures that you can take to accelerate composting. For example, you can dewater your fresh cow manure first and mix it with materials, like straw, hay, and sawdust, so it will be easier for your cow dung to ferment quickly.
When Should You Turn Your Cow Manure Compost Pile with Our Machines?
To figure out that question, you should know why you should turn your cow manure compost pile.
How Do We Know that Cow Dung Has Been Composted?
There are 3 tips helping you to know whether your cow dung is composted or not.
What Can You Do with Your Composted Cow Manure?
After the process of composting, the harmful materials in your fresh cattle manure, including insect eggs, germs, and seeds, are completely eliminated. Hence, your cow dung can be used as a kind of good organic fertilizer that provides abundant nutrients to the plants and improves the fecundity of the fields. There are 3 ways you can choose to make use of your composted cow manure.
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To Have A Cow Dung Compost Machine And Make High-quality Orgnaic Fertilizer